School Refusal Resources
Do you dread the 5 words you have to tell your student daily?"Time to go to school!"Your student who once loved learning and spending time with friends has summed the strength of a prized heavyweight boxer to fight you on going to school. It's exhausting, bewildering, and confusing to try to figure out how to respond.That's why we've put together this collection of resources to help equip you on navigating this common challenge for so many families.If there is any way our practice could help you or any member of your family navigate this challenge, we would love to have you CLICK HERE to schedule a 10-minute consultation to learn more about how we could support you.Symptoms and reasons for School Refusal by the ADAA I Need a Hug by Positive DisciplineRoutine Chart by Positive Discipline5 Steps to Keeping Your Family Sane During Covid19 by Dr. Jennifer Johnston-Jones How to Help Teens Handle the Loss of Proms and Graduations by Christine CarterReassuring children and adults through hard times by Aya MagdiOverview of What School Refusal is and Where it Comes From by Yale Medicine Does My Child Have School Refusal? by School Refusal Hope Podcast: Help your student feel safe in a classroom. Listen below or to more episodes here. CLICK HERE to learn more about the Trust-Based Relational Investment method.